What is a First Party & 3rd Party Review? Why do they matter?


Crystal Horton: Hello Everyone.

Crystal Horton: Today’s topic of discussion is first Party and third party reviews to wherever we’re going to discuss what is the first party review, what is the third party review and why does it matter. I’m, Hi Ryan.

Ryan Steinolfson: There’s a lot of confusion about this topic and you know the, the benefit and the real takeaway for you guys is, is that if you get this right, you can get because everybody wants to get first party reviews. OK, so first party reviews or rather third party reviews are like Google my business, et cetera. And those are like, you know, those were, yeah, the, there the 10,000 pound gorillas out there, you know, you’ve got, you’ve got Google when you get the, when you get a review on Google, it helps your rankings and also makes it easier for people to make a decision about your business because they’re all under live on Google and or their live on yelp and you get the added benefit of when people type in your business name and your city, which we’d been just saying over and over and over again.

Ryan Steinolfson: If there’s one thing you take away, do that guys like typing your business name and your city and the word reviews and see what directories show up in that search results based on that. You want to target the ones that show up higher in the search result when people type in your business name, your city and the word reviews. That’s what 50 percent of people are doing when they’re looking for your business, when they get referred to your business, so at that moment when somebody is looking to see what other people are saying about your business, once they’ve been referred to you by a brother, mother, sister, whoever, then you want to make sure that you’re. That you’ve got great, that those directories that are showing up are as close to [inaudible] as possible and those are the third party directories or they’re not first party, either third party or other directories that are a third party giving you reviews about your business or that that where people can go to to leave reviews about your business.

Ryan Steinolfson: It’s Google, it’s Yelp, it’s bing and Yahoo. It’s city, so why would you want to get a review anywhere else other than on a third party directory if you know that you know your, your rankings are going to improve as a result of that and you know that you know that’s where people are going to see your reviews. Well, the answer to that question is first party reviews are a very important thing to get and here’s an example of these are third party reviews being shown on our website, so we’ve got on our website, we’ve got a place for third and first party reviews. First part of your mother’s first party reviews, and those reviews are being shown using the Schema markup. Why are we doing that? We’re doing that because when you use schema markup, which is basically just a. it’s just a fancy word for the language that Google speaks.

Ryan Steinolfson: OK? When you use the language that Google speaks, which is Schema, then what happens is, is Google likes it and what it does is it gives you a favorable preference. It gives you favorable positioning it, it does things like. It makes it so that when people find your website, it will actually display your website with stars as a result of you using this schema markup language with your first party review. Now what is the first party review? A first party review is simply a review that is only on your website. It’s not done anywhere else. It’s you manage that, which is totally ironic that Google prefers you to get first party reviews and ironically there’s no. I mean you’re the one who basically oversees the these reviews, so it’s, it’s like the honor system and which is, which is kind of ironic because Google actually wants you to get more of these reviews and what happens is, is you actually have a quarantine period of seven days before you can, before you even make these reviews live.

Ryan Steinolfson: So what does it do? It gives you much more control over which reviews are seeing which reviews are not seeing. If they actually. I mean eventually they’ll go live, but the beauty is is that you actually can quarantine these reviews and deal with the person that’s left the review before the review goes live and work out the issue and have a much higher likelihood that that review is resolved and or either the person takes it down or they improve it before it gets out of the quarantine, the seven-day quarantine period, and all of this has managed within our system. So I just want you guys to see, and we’re going to show you, we don’t have one right now, but they’re. This is new, OK? It’s maybe two months, three months that Google has been making it to where you can actually have with your website the stars, these all important stars and by the way, just having the star show up with your website increases the click-through rate or the the, the likelihood that somebody’s going to click on your website or in the organic search results by over a hundred and 25 percent.

Ryan Steinolfson: That is huge. Guys. I want you guys to understand that, that, I mean you’ve really got to understand the importance of that and I don’t know, do you have an example there? Is that what you’re showing on your screen

Crystal Horton: example that we pulled up that showing the stars right here that you’re wrestling.

Ryan Steinolfson: Well, that’s, that’s, that’s yellow. But what I want what I want to see a Barbara, Barbara at the top there at Barbara Barzotto stars. OK? That is, I just want you guys to see, OK, well, what crystal is showing here is, is very close to what, what we’re looking for. In other words, what happens is, is the stars that you see down there with facebook and yelp are showing up next to the top link there. Wait, don’t go anywhere. I’m still talking about it. Go back. There we go. OK, so see the CV

Ryan Steinolfson: Stay right there

Ryan Steinolfson: Yeah. So the, the barber, the, the BB. Don’t, don’t do anything. Just stay.

Crystal Horton: I don’t know what happened.

Ryan Steinolfson: So, so the barber bar at the top there. See, you got to see that. So that link right there, the Barbara [inaudible], that link right there, if you, if that had the stars like you, like, like we’re showing there with Yelp, that, that is what that is. What we’re talking about. That is, that is the, what happens when you get first party reviews and you display those reviews with the Schema markup language. OK? It’s really important when you, that’s what can happen. And there’s examples of this. You can type in, I think Danny’s like type and denny’s in, in a, in a specific city. Um, maybe like, um, yeah, Denny’s in a big city, like maybe San Diego or something like that. Denny’s. San Diego. This is what I was recommending to you guys to do is. So they use this. Yeah. And you probably want to type in the word reviews, but let me see. Yeah. Tinder, ego reviews. Yeah, there we go. OK, now scroll down and let’s see if we. Let’s see if there’s a web. Keep scrolling. So you got, you got all the third party directly. Trip advisor. This is a great example. If we just get yelp, yelp, trip advisor, I’m looking for, I’m looking for the dentist. See there is a ton of Denny’s. I’m in San Diego, so that’s why you got all those different yelp. So if you’ve got to go to a specific city, then I would go to like del Mar, like type in del Mar where del Mar reviews.

Ryan Steinolfson: What I’m looking for is I’m looking for like Denny’s dot and it doesn’t look like it is, but um, but that, that’s the opportunity that you have. Um, because I know that Denny’s uses a schema markup like we do. Um, let’s type in Denny’s a Palm Beach Gardens.

Crystal Horton: I

Ryan Steinolfson: then scroll down. Scroll.

Ryan Steinolfson: Yep. Looking organic. We don’t care about the. We don’t care about the maps were just looking at me or give. There we go. There we go. There we go. Good. Yup. Bingo. That’s it. That is what I’m talking about. That right there is. If you clicked on that too. So what they’re using. This is a great example of what you can have happen and keep in mind you’re not, you’re not a franchise. OK? You’re a small business. And you’re not going to have all these trip advisors and yelps and things like that. That’s not what’s going to happen with your business because you don’t have 15 different franchises in in one area that the only reason why you’re seeing so that. So in other words, what I’m trying to get you to understand that, that it’s going to be even that much more impactful when people see your website with these stars, with it, OK?

Ryan Steinolfson: Because a lot of times you might not even have a lot of reviews or enough for reviews with your directories. You got to have five or more. At least it used to be that way for Google in order for the stars to show up. And so the only stores that show up on the entire page when somebody types in your business name and the city and the word reviews will potentially be your website, which will be great because if you get a hundred and 25 percent increase in click-through rate and they go directly to your website, oh my gosh. Like that’s a, that’s a home run, right? So I just want you guys to see this, even though there’s only three reviews that does such a good example to look at that. If you see there’s only three reviews there and they still have the star showing up. So let’s click on that and let’s see what it looks like. And this is gonna. Take us to, um, Denny’s replicated website. So they, what they have is, I call it replicative because it’s, it’s just, uh, it’s a replicated or it’s a replicate of every other word. So here we go. So if you keep scrolling down, there’s the stars and keep scrolling and it should have those three reviews. They’re somewhere on that page if you just keep scrolling.

Ryan Steinolfson: Yup. Keep scrolling.

Ryan Steinolfson: Yeah, there we go. So what are those reviews that. Yeah, there we go. So there’s a, there’s those, there’s those three reviews. Golden. That’s it. I mean, I guy guys that, that is, I can’t it any better than that. And that’s really, really powerful that you see that and you see, I can’t, like, that’s why we always say, I like the show instead of tell like, this is the money right here, this is why you want to, if you do reputation management marketing, you got to go with somebody that actually knows the difference between third and first party reviews and understand Schema. Because look, there’s a lot of different of choices out there for reputation companies. And there’s, you know, there’s Birdeye and there’s all these other. Look, I don’t, we’ve been doing this, I’ve been doing this specifically for almost 10 years, almost a decade now.

Ryan Steinolfson: And, and there’s a lot of different competition out there, but first of all, you’re going to be treated like a, like a number with a lot of those companies, I’ll tell Ya. And they, they don’t look at holistically what, you know, what opportunities there are in terms of first and third party reviews and that they’re both important, especially right now. And using Schema in order to get these reviews to even show up in the search results which your website organically. So, um, you want to get as many stars to show up with your website when somebody actually shows types in your business name, city, and the word reviews. And I’m outside of that. I mean, what other, what are the things that we want to talk about today?

Crystal Horton: That was really our main topic of discussion and we’re currently out of time. So I’d like to invite everybody to take our online reputation choirs that we have. So I’ve got the link in the comments below so that you can click on that and find out what your reputation score is.

Ryan Steinolfson: Yeah, yeah.

Ryan Steinolfson: It’s really good. I mean, yeah, and by the way, when you go and do that, you’ll get answers. There’s, it’s just a 45 second quiz, five questions. Basically within 45 seconds you will get some very good value out of it. You will know where you stand at the end of it because you’ll get, um, you’ll get a score out of [inaudible]. And I’m the higher towards [inaudible] that you get, the more, the better you’re managing your reputation will also give you the opportunity after you take the quiz to take an audit so you can get a full audit to see where you stand with your reputation for your business and we’ll show you how many, you know, how you’re showing up online with your reputation. And um, yeah, just [inaudible] me forward slash the celtics already marketing. Thank you so much, crystal for showing your screen there and setting this up. Great job. And anything else you want to add?

Crystal Horton: That’s all I want to add. And tomorrow we’ll continue our discussion with, um, online reputation.

Ryan Steinolfson: Yeah.

Ryan Steinolfson: Oh, in the next week we’ll be talking about too.

Crystal Horton: Next week will be,

Crystal Horton: let’s see, what did we talk about? Oh, next week will be local Seo and the week after that will be google my business.

Ryan Steinolfson: Stay tuned guys. Thanks.

*We use voice dictation so please forgive any spelling or syntax errors