Local SEO Do’s & Don’ts


Speaker 1: Number one, how are you today? I apologize for the earlier this connection. I, I’m not sure what happened. We’re working on figuring that out. If you’d like to find out what happened or why it didn’t link correctly, go to Ryan’s diagnosis page. He talks about all the techie stuff and you can find out over there. Um, so today, uh, this week’s topic, we’ll just dive right into it since I’m short on time. This week’s topic is local Seo. So today I am discussing the top five local businesses. I’m business marketing do’s and don’ts. So I’m going to share my page here. Um, and we will get started, created a little document, like a guideline for me to kind of follow. Here we go. Let me make sure my screen is correct. Yep. Let me screen is showing woo. OK. So number one, top five to do claims your profile, some of the biggest mistakes that a local business can make is not be in control of their listing.

Speaker 1: OK? So there’s a few things, profile listing directory. When I speak of those, um, I’m gonna. I’m gonna. Do my best to stick to one word, but if I say any of those, they’re all mean the same, which is directory. Now when is the directory a directory is Google my business page or facebook page or yelp or I’m being Yahoo, or another one is city pages. Yellow pages I can keep going on because there’s a bunch of them, but those are directories that you need to claim. If they’re not claimed, what happens is you miss out on views from those directories which you think, oh, is a big one. All I need to worry about is google. You’re wrong because Google looks at all of the other directories for guidance. When a person types in a keyword or a phrase or product or your business name and google pulls it from the directories to get the information that the individuals searching for.

Speaker 1: So you’re missing out on clips. You’re missing out on views, on website clicks and phone calls. If you do not claim those directories. Now there’s a total of [inaudible] directories that we work to create and claim because they’re the top directories that, um, really communicate with Google in that search engine. OK, so maintain a consistent name, address and phone number. So search engines like Google, bing and Yahoo, use a number of different sources when determining the quality of the local search results. So once they go signal for the quality of a local business is their business information has to be consistent across the board. So if you are, if you have your information, for example, consistent across [inaudible] different directories, but what do you think the search engine Google is going to pick that information, right? And so it’s good to make sure not only do you have your directories claimed, but your business name, address and phone number are correct.

Speaker 1: And the same consistent across the board. Number three is upload pictures. Now in order to be, um, successful local business marketer, you need to share as much information as possible to your potential customers. So I’m going to give you an example here from our, um, our just recently from March, first to March 20 second. Now look at these spikes here and look at the comparison that Google is showing us right now. This is the number of times your business photos have been viewed compared to photos from other businesses that are similar to us. So our photos, because we’re consistent now you can see here we have consistently posted photos not only through Google but through all the, um, [inaudible] directories that were created and claimed on a daily basis. Now, and look at this spike, look at where we’re at here compared to where businesses like us, our business lets us how [inaudible] views and we have a hundred and 27 views, um, photos, just photos, just by adding photos daily and consistency.

Speaker 1: We are now getting more views to our listings links. I don’t want to confuse you. I’m trying to see you. Start was going to stop. OK. Provide incentives. Incentives is a great way to improve your local business marketing and encouraged clicks from potential customers. So you can offer a free consultation. Let’s say for example here, I’m in the Google my business, I’m a directory and I can go into details because next week is all about Google my business, so I’ll go into further detail about this. Today I’m just focusing on local Seo. I’m so provide incentives on the posts that you give. You can provide incentives. Now, for example. Nope, that’s just going to take me straight to the. Let’s see. Is there a way? Can pull this up. Here we go. OK, so you add a photo and then here’s the incentive. Accelerate marketing. Got Google ad-words recertified. Congratulations. Oh No, wait, that’s not it. That’s just telling our, our [inaudible] what’s up. OK, here we go. Get a free and complete overview of your local seo in minutes, including search rankings, local listings reviews. Just the secondary. Everyone. Let me mute this. OK, here we go.

Speaker 1: All right, so this is an incentive that if an individual goes to our google my business page, they’re going to see this incentive, which is going to encourage communication with our potential customers. So get a free and complete overview of your local seo performance in minutes, including search rankings, local listings, reviews, onsite Seo and social media, and then they click on the button, learn more, and it takes them to the link to where they can fill out the information to, um, receive that information. Number five is manage your reviews. And last week we touched base on this quite a bit of how much of an impact of review makes. And so, um, um, if you have some questions about that, I’ll include a link or send me a message, you know, I’ll continue to answer those questions or refer you back to the video that we did, the five videos that were done last week, which was online reviews.

Speaker 1: And so always make sure that you’re maintaining and managing your reviews because that is another thing. Now, scrolling down to the top five don’ts, just like I said earlier, if you have an inconsistent name, address and phone number, you’re missing out on the search engine selecting your information because they’re confused on what’s right and what’s wrong. So if that causes confusion to Google, then why are they going to take the time to figure out that stuff when they can go to a different business that has their consistent name, address, and phone number across the board. Another thing that I’ve noticed a few times is that some people use a toll free number and so it makes it difficult for search engines to determine what location you’re businesses. And so always make sure that you remove that, a toll free number as your main number and put a local number in there as well. Another thing that I did notice was a po box for your address. That’s not going to provide a location. It’s not going to help the search engines to determine where the location of your business is. And so they’re going to skip over you if you have a po box listed. Um, and also another thing that I’ve, um, that uh, some of the local Seo,

Speaker 1: a group of individuals has noticed is that some things are, there’s some dishonest reviews out there. So although you’re thinking you’re going to get away with it, the search engines are getting better and better at detecting fake reviews. So if it’s a fake review, it’s gone. The search in the search engines are totally going to skip right over you. And then another thing is, do, uh, do not change your business name. These, if you do that, it’s going to confuse the world of search engines by, um, rankings for certain locations or by your city and invite other keywords and then it’s going to get confused and then you’ll be competing against your old business name, um, and it’s not really helping you out. It’s, it’s making you, um, kind of get lost in the shuffle. And so those are my five do’s and don’ts for today. I once again, I just like to apologize to you for, for the mishap earlier with, with um, scheduling and such. Um, so I’m just going to review these five since I feel a little mumble jumbled up one more time. The five dudes is one, claim your profile, your directories to maintain a consistent name, address, and phone number three is upload those photos. Um, cause I, I definitely encourage you to check your insights here.

Speaker 1: Hang on, sorry.

Speaker 1: OK. Um, and then here, because it’ll show you look at how much of an impact that you have by adding photos on a consistent basement basis compared to your competitors. So if you’re adding those photos, you’re taking those views away from your competitors and you’re redirecting it back to you. Um, a number four is provided incentives like we showed you through the Google my business posts. And five is manager reviews. The top five don’ts are, don’t have an inconsistent name, address, and phone number across the board with directories. Make sure everything is consistent, don’t use a toll free number, don’t use a Po box for your address and don’t post dishonest reviews. And the fifth one is don’t change your business name.

Speaker 1: All right. Um, for those of you that don’t know who I am, I’m Krystal Horton, one of the account managers for accelerate marketing where we help businesses like yours become the go to business in your niche. So in other words, we healthier business, dominate your online reputation and local Seo Monday through Friday. I am live sharing some successful strategies with you on how to become the go to business and your niche. This week I’m talking about local Seo. Next week is all about Google my business because we know that beast is beautiful. And then the week after that I’ll be talking about online reputation again. So my homework for you today is to find out how many directories you currently have and if your information is correct across the board. Tomorrow I’ll be talking about, I’m optimizing your voice search since now. That’s becoming quite the thing. And um, I’ll see you tomorrow. Create a great rest of your day. Bye everyone.

*We use voice dictation so please forgive any spelling or syntax errors