What Are Local SEO Directories and Why Are They Important for Local Search Success?


Speaker 1: Hello everyone, how are you today, sir? Is a beautiful day to day. Um, let me exit out of this real quick. OK, so I’m Krystal Horton and I’m one of the account managers for accelerate marketing. And we’re here because we help businesses like yours become the go-to business and your niche. So in other words, um, we help businesses dominate your online reputation and local Seo. Today we’re discussing the what and the why, which is what is local seo directories and why is it important for local search success. So I’m going to share my line. Oh, hang on just a second. Hi Ryan.

Speaker 2: Hey, I was going to Bristol.

Speaker 1: Good. OK. Made you co-host Brian’s on the line. Everyone’s so say hi. I always say on the line instead of connected. But anyways, today we’re talking about the what and the why, which is what does local seo directories and why is it important? So you did, you know, 93 percent of consumers say that they are frustrated by incorrect information with online directories. Ninety three percent. That’s crazy.

Speaker 2: We talk a lot about Google is looking for that correct name, address, and phone number we call it for short, so and you know, as opposed to taking. This is a different map. OK, visited this, that if you get right, it can help you. If you take, if you have your nap all screwed up and you have misinformation out there, not only are you confusing google, which inevitably will give you worst rankings. Google, I always say if you google it once, Google will give you what you want. Well, this is one of those things, OK, if you give google correct information, not only on Google my business, which is the biggest directory out there for all businesses, this is where 70 percent of people go to find local businesses that Google my business. This is why we spent so much time focusing specifically on creating posts and filling out all the questions there for the Google my business page and optimizing it because that’s the big, the big Kahuna if.

Speaker 2: Well, but you know, the other thing about the map is, is that people just get ticked off if they see inconsistency, that base because they might see one address in one, you know, business name or in one address on one on Google my business and see something totally different on yelp or bing or Yahoo. Then they’re like, well, which is correct, what are the correct office hours, you know, what are the, what’s, you know? So it just creates confusion and it creates a lack of confidence when you know, decisions are not simple, then people do not actually make the decision and they go to the next business and you do not get chosen

Speaker 1: exactly where your competition is waiting there with open arms. But not only that, if your information is correct, um, consumers are more likely to blame the local business rather than the directory.

Speaker 2: Yeah. If it’s incorrect. Yes, exactly. That’s what’s very, very interesting. It’s, did they blame you as a business? And it’s true. They’re putting the blame where it should be because look, it’s your responsibility. I mean, yes, these, these, you know, look, it used to be the yellow pages, we used to get that [inaudible], you know, book and you could choose whether or not you were a part of it, but if you didn’t have the correct information in there, you know, people just look at that as being a part of business. So it’s not the directories fall did your fault if you don’t, if you don’t give the correct information. And now there’s hundreds of online directories, some that are very niche specific like law or, um, you know, whatever. I mean there’s so many, um, so many directories that are very unique to a specific niche.

Speaker 2: There’s, there is unique niches. Um, well there’s like plastic surgery that has unique niches like real cells. Obviously a plumber is not going to want to be listed on real self. It’s not really going to be relevant for him. It’s not gonna not gonna help you get a lot of plumbing co, you know, clients, uh, to be listed on a, you know, plastic surgery directory. Now, having said that, no, I’m just pointing out the fact that it is though the responsibility, these cosmetic surgeons to make sure that they’re correct. Name, address and phone number is on real self, just like any other business for any other directory. And if you don’t, if you’re not managing those, not only for the customer’s sake, but also for Google sake so that it can correctly give you the rankings that you want and list you the way that you want to be listed. You know, then you know, you’re just going to create confusion. And a confused mind doesn’t buy. We always like to say that a confused mind doesn’t buy and that’s not only, you know, people haven’t even gotten your doorstep yet and they’re confused. I mean, they’re going to their house before they could even say, Heidi, you know what I’m saying?

Speaker 1: What to. And if you’re confused, you’re setting that mindset mindset of the customer experience and to, you know, in the survey it states that there’s, in the last 12 months, it’s been discovered that 71 percent of consumers who had, um, had a negative experience because of the incorrect local business information found online. So can you imagine creating that negative experience prior to that person walking in to your doorstep and then asking for a review.

Speaker 2: It’s just not going to happen. It’s like how easy is it to do business to do business with your business? And if you’re, if you’re starting off on the wrong foot before somebody even steps foot in your door. And I mean, this is all part of that, that customer experience, it starts with how, you know, it starts with, hey, you know, is the correct name, address, and phone number out there so that I know when I go to this address and I’m going to be able to trust that it’s the right address or the right phone number. Or when I search on Siri or Alexa or Cortana or any of these voice, you know, the, these voice systems, or, you know, Google maps or apple maps, am I going to be able to, you know, are they gonna, is it gonna? Give me the right information, am I gonna am I going to go to the right location or this, or is this two year old information? You know what I’m saying? So that’s all, you know. It’s just about setting that, that customer experience, making that, uh, that a customer experience as pleasant as possible. And like crystal saying, I mean, if you want to get a review, you’ve got to start off on the right foot before you actually get to the last step, you know, and, and the first step is what’s going to determine if you actually get to the last step or not, or even get to the second step or not.

Speaker 1: Starting with the end in mind, yes, 68 percent of consumers, um, are stating that they would stop using a local business if they found incorrect information in online directories. So you know, it’s not to be taken lightly these directories at all.

Speaker 2: I totally agree. And this is, I’m glad you got those. The statistics, we’ve known this for years. I mean we just, we just consulted with a client, you know, property management client in Australia last night that he was getting, you know, well over 50 new inbound phone calls a month because, you know, we talked about yesterday the whole, the, the, the tortoise game in terms of local Seo and this all ties in with it. It all, it all works together and you know, it’s, it’s all part of that, that patient or customer or client experience from the beginning all the way through to the end. And now we’re just, we’re starting to get statistics to more tightly associate. You know, why people need to do this, that you’re to know that there are going to be negative effects if you don’t do some of these things if you.

Speaker 2: And what are the positive effects that you’re going to have if you do the things like we talked about last night with, with our, with our clients, you know, in Australia, you know, if he does the link building, if he gets the reviews, if we correctly manage his name, address and phone number on the 73 directories that we manage for him, you know, and et Cetera, et cetera. It really can pay off big time. I mean we’re talking, you know, inbound phone calls that you didn’t have to pay for. I mean, those calls, each one of those calls it business are worth at least a hundred dollars, at least a hundred dollars more. I would submit that there more because they’re actually inbound calls. They’re not lead Gen calls where you’ve got to try to convince somebody from an ad that they should go with your business. It’s like a referral because what have they done?

Speaker 2: They’ve seen your reputation before. They’ve even picked the phone up because they’ve seen your reputation on google. My business, they’ve seen our client last night, hundred and 43, five star reviews that you know, because we’ve helped build his reputation or review culture in his business. They now it’s just ingrained in their DNA, like they know that that is part of what they need to do day in, day out when they have their huddle meetings. Once a meet, once a week, they asked as part of their kpis, how many reviews do we have, how many reviews that we get last week, just like we do at our, at our company. That’s what I mean by review culture, is it ingrained in what you do weekend, day in, day out, et Cetera, and if you’re, if you’re doing these things, this is the way that digital digital businesses done now. And it’s not, it’s not what it was 10 years ago. It’s not what it was five years ago. It’s not what it was a year ago. And it’s constantly changing and you know, I thought it was funny last night, they said, how do you keep up with all this stuff? I’m like, yes. That’s why you guys are property managers and that’s why we do what we do because it’s a lot to keep up with and, and, um, but anyway, I enjoy it and I know you do too. And uh,

Speaker 1: yeah, I agree. That’s why we do what we do and we enjoy it as well. Now that you were talking, I want to invite you guys to download and read the case study, which I had that link below in the comments and learn how property management company got over 371 reviews on Google, got on the first position on Google maps and generated over a hundred and three inbound leads per month from the search engines. And so that link is in the comments right now. And so today’s discussion, you know, two of the main reasons why it’s good to have consistency of your contact details online, which is important is for local Seo and customer experience. So you know, your directories are online referencing to your business name, address, and phone number, also known as nap, like Ryan was explaining earlier so that Google and other search engines can take these or this information into consideration when assessing the local authority have business websites. I’m just doing a quick recap.

Speaker 2: I think it’s, it’s just, it’s just really important for businesses to understand that if you, if you do go and, and go to that link, I mean, we’ll, we’ll give you tons of value. You’re gonna end up me for marketing to start a conversation with us. It’s all about starting conversations. I mean, we literally legitimately will answer your questions within the audio message. You’ll get an audio message from us, um, and, and will see me as a, you know, we’re not just looking to,

Speaker 1: are you there, Brian? OK. Seems as though we’ve Lost Ryan. Um, so yes. And the message length that Ryan is referring to m.me/accelerate marketing is also posted in the comments. So send us questions, um, let us know some of your thoughts and we’ll definitely get back in contact with you within a, with a audio message or a video message and start that conversation as well. It’s always good to hear what you’re thinking. It’s always good to hear what your questions are and we’re here to help. I mean, that’s why we’re going live Monday through Friday on a daily basis because we’re here to help and to answer those questions. Um, so we’re just about out of time and I just want to say once again, Monday through Friday, we’re live sharing some successful strategies with you on how to become the go to business and your niche.

Speaker 1: So this week I’ve been talking about local Seo. A Ryan has been joining us as well, which has been awesome because we get to have all those wonderful knowledge bombs from, from Ryan. Next week will be all about, um, google my business because while that feast is beautiful, I don’t know how else to describe it other than that. So we’ll talk about google my business next week and then the week after that it’ll be reviews and your online reputation. So my homework for you is to download that case study that we’ve been talking about all week, which is learning how a property management company got over 300 reviews on Google, got on the first position on Google maps and generated over 103 inbound leads per month from the search engines. Tomorrow is Friday. Woo. Which means I’ll be interviewing with some of the top questions in regards to local Seo. Like one of our favorite questions that we get a lot is how do I get on the Google?

Speaker 1: So I know we’ve been talking about that this week, but tomorrow it’ll be fun to be to ask Ryan that question as well. If you have any questions, comment below, send them to us at m.me/accelerate marketing. I’ll make sure to get those questions asked and answered. Um, over to Ryan tomorrow. And tomorrow marks the two week mark for us going live, which is the 10th video. So I want to say or share some numbers with you on how I’m going live over these past two weeks has impacted our insights. So create a great rest of your day, everyone and see you tomorrow.

*We use voice dictation so please forgive any spelling or syntax errors