Google Business Profile: FAQs Answered

Navigating Google Business Profile: A Comprehensive Guide to Common Questions


In a recent interview, Ryan addresses some of the most common questions surrounding Google Business Profile, shedding light on its cost, verification process, online visibility, and handling inappropriate reviews. As Google Business Profile, or GBP, plays a crucial role in local SEO and online visibility, understanding its dynamics is essential for businesses wanting to leverage this tool.

Cost of Google Business Profile

Ryan emphasizes that using GBP is free, which makes it a great platform for businesses looking to enhance their online presence without breaking the bank. However, he points out that there is an option to pay for visibility on Google Maps, a feature that can boost a business’s local exposure.

Verification Process

The interview delves into the verification process for GBP. Ryan explains that Google often uses postcards or phone verification to confirm a business’s physical address. This process is designed to ensure the accuracy and legitimacy of the information provided on GBP pages.

Finding Your Business Online

To find your business online after verification, Ryan suggests using a simple search with the business name and city. However, he also touches upon the challenge of businesses wanting to appear in multiple areas, emphasizing that Google Business Profile is primarily designed for local community service.

Flagging Inappropriate Reviews

Handling reviews is crucial for a strong GBP page. The process involves logging into the GBP page, navigating to the review section, and flagging the review with specific reasons. He acknowledges that success rates in having a review removed can vary, and the importance of doing thorough research and providing evidence for flagged reviews.


The interview provides valuable insights into the workings of Google Business Profile, offering a comprehensive guide for businesses looking to optimize their online presence. From understanding the cost structure to navigating the verification process and managing reviews, Ryan’s expertise contributes to demystifying the common queries surrounding GBP. As businesses continue to seek effective strategies for local SEO, this guide serves as a valuable resource for harnessing the full potential of Google Business Profile.